Summary: Being The Best - Denis Waitley Learn How To Replace Self-Destructive, Popular Myths with Life-Changing, Practical Truths
Summary: Being The Best - Denis Waitley Learn How To Replace Self-Destructive, Popular Myths with Life-Changing, Practical Truths

Summary: Being The Best - Denis Waitley

Learn How To Replace Self-Destructive, Popular Myths with Life-Changing, Practical Truths

This work offers a summary of the book "BEING THE BEST: Learn How To Replace Self-Destructive, Popular Myths with Life-Changing, Practical Truths" by Denis Waitley.
Denis Waitley is described as "one of America's most respected authors, keynote lecturers and productivity consultants on high performance human achievement."
In Being The Best, he argues that success in life is not measured by what a person gets, but by what they continue to do with what they have. The concept of success is very personal. Therefore, happiness and fulfillment are actually generated through the richness of the experience on the journey to success and not in the fleeting moment when someone feels they have arrived. In the final analysis, success is not a destination at all – it’s a way to travel.
According to Waitley, success must be built from the inside out if it is to be sustained over an extended period. It has nothing to do with comparisons to other people, and everything to do with the exhilaration that comes with doing something that is extraordinary, excellent and heart warming.
Being The Best is a very valuable and inspirational book that will help you unleash your potential and help you be the best you can.

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